Environmental Defense Institute

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The Environmental Defense Institute Focuses on Nuclear Issues

The Environmental Defense Institute (EDI), is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is actively engaged with nuclear issues, especially those involving the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Since 1990, EDI has been an advocate for environmentally sound nuclear policy decisions because the health of our environment affects people and all living things, now and in future generations. EDI provides information resources to enable citizens to make informed choices regarding these issues.

While EDI focuses on nuclear issues in Idaho, we follow nuclear energy and weapons issues at other U.S. Department of Energy sites, including Sandia National Laboratory (SNL),the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, and Hanford in Washington state. We also follow nuclear energy issues nationally and internationally, from U.S. spent fuel issues to the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima in Japan.

Read Our Newsletter

Read our latest Newsletter covering INL, national, and international nuclear issues. View past newsletters here.

Please read our special 30 Year Anniversary of Chernobyl April 2016 newsletter with important biodosimetry and human epidemiology findings and more, here.

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